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SRS Overview August 26, 2005

Posted by Coolguy in Business Analysis.
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  • Background
  • Business Context
  • Requirements & Constraints:
    Business Requirements: E.g: A admin should be able to report on details of the system audit log
    Supplementary Business Requirements: E.g: The system should pre-populate
    System Requirements: local failover capacity, geographically remote failover capacity
    Design Constraints: Use cookies, change of password
  • Business Use Cases
  • System Use Cases : Login,Auditing,Administer system users,Generate content,Local failover etc
  • Glossary
  • Actors
  • Analysis Classes


  • Functional requirements are things that a system has to do, like record a fact, do a calculation or make a decision. Functional requirements exist because of the subject matter within the context of the particular system. An airport system would have a functional requirement to record the landing time of a flight, a gardening system would have a functional requirement to fertilise the plants, a bottling system would have a functional requirement to fill the bottles.
  • Non-Functional requirements (sometimes called qualities or attributes) are the qualities that a system has to have. Things like performance, security, usability,maintainability are all non-functional requirements. How fast does the bottling system have to fill a bottle, how convenient must it be for the gardener to fertilise the plants, who is permitted to look at the information about flights…these are all non-functional requirements.
  • Project Goals are the reasons for doing a project. You can think of these as a type of high level requirement – all the other requirements contribute to meeting the project goals. The gardening system might have a goal of increasing the annual harvest of vegetables by 50%, maybe the airport’s target is to accommodate 20% more passengers and the bottling
    system aims to reduce the number of defective products by an agreed amount.
  • Constraints are specified influences that affect the way that we meet the requirements. Perhaps the new airport system has to be operational within 1 year, the gardening system must only use organic products and the bottling system has a budget of 1 million Euros. The most common constraints are time, money and specified technology.


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